In a groundbreaking systematic review conducted between September and October 2022, researchers aimed to evaluate the influence of physical activity on sexual function in men. The study analyzed a total of 8,076 men participating in clinical trials and observational studies published in countries like Japan, USA, Italy, Brazil, Korea, and Switzerland.
The findings revealed that regular physical activity has favorable effects on male sexual function, particularly in relation to vascularization. Sedentary lifestyle was identified as a risk factor for the onset of erectile dysfunction, as it inhibits the relaxation process of smooth muscles in the penile corpus cavernous, causing decreased vessel contractility.
Interestingly, the main dysfunctions evaluated were erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The study found that individuals with good aerobic capacity have a greater chance of obtaining healthy and satisfactory sexual function. The energy expenditure during sexual activity was estimated to be between 2 to 4 METs, with a peak of exhaustion during orgasm.
Walking and cycling were identified as the most frequent types of physical activity among the participants. However, there was controversy surrounding the practice of cycling, with some studies suggesting that specific characteristics can predispose practitioners to the onset of erectile dysfunction, while others concluded that it does not harm urinary or sexual function in men who cycle recreationally.
Overall, this comprehensive study confirms the importance of regular physical activity in maintaining optimal male sexual function. It highlights the systemic benefits of physical activity and its potential to improve vascularization. By adopting a more active lifestyle, men can enhance their sexual health and overall well-being.
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